Billy Beck, I remember your great blog and I am glad to see you are still here. I don't see what the problem is here. Of course it isn't the cold war situation in the USSR.

We are in the first stage of the bolshevik takeover in 1917 in Russia followed by, if they are able, the Red Terror 1 and 2. The Holodomor, general starvation, misery and all the rest of agenda 2030 NWO globo homo plans. The inner party and selected enablers excepted.

Of course it's different because this is the U.S.A. and not imperial Russia but the analogy still holds, as far as the intent the communists have.

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Like I said in the video: those are very good examples for analyzing principles. It's the application of those principles that's going to be different in America.

Thank you, sir, for remembering the blog.

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